Q - What days are trash/waste/garbage picked up?
A - Monday, Wednesday and Friday/Recycling on Wednesday
Q - How many floor plans are in the community?
A - Valencia has six styles of unit designs ranging from 1356sf - 1868sf
Q - Who provides waste management and what is the contact number?
A - Waste Management provides Valencia with this service. 904-783-7000
Q - Is there a maximum number of pets allowed?
A - No more than 2 pets are allowed per unit, and they must be less that 30 lbs.
Q - Who is responsible for roofs?
A - The Association is responsible.
Q - Who is responsible for screen repairs?
A - The Valencia owner takes responsibility for all screen repairs.
Q - Can I book the Valencia Clubhouse>
A - Yes, contact your management company to reserve a room. The cost to rent the clubhouse $100 and a security deposit of $500 is required.
Q - Are hurricane shutters allowed in community?
A - No
Q - Where can exterior and front door paint be purchased?
A - Sherwin Williams 904.247.7994
Q - What is the timeframe for an ARC approval process?
A - 30 days
Q - Is pest control included in my dues?
A - Yes
Q - Who is responsible for the exterior of my unit?
A - The Association
Q - Who is responsible for the interior of my unit?
A - Owner